
Tourism Information Promotion of Ben Tre

No. 108/1 Street 30/4, Ward 4, Ben Tre City, Ben Tre Province
Tel: (84-75).8511480 – Fax: (84-75).3838813
Email: ttxtdlbt@gmail.com
Blog: http://dlbentre.blogspot.com - http://tipcbentre.blogspot.com
Website: http://sovhttdl.bentre.gov.vn
- Transaction name: Ben Tre Tourism Information Promotion Center (TIPC)

Over the past few years tourism businesses are of small scale standing before the great challenges of integration trend, hardly able to reach out to promote general introduction to the province to lousiness, to domestic and foreign tourists on tourism development, activities of the province. Thus, it is necessary to have active intervention and support of the State in the field of tourism promotion information at the provincial level.

On August 23rd, 2010, the provincial People’s Committee Decision No.1821/QD-UBND on the establishment of Tourism Promotion Information Center under the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre. This is a work unit with the function of advising the leaders to implement the operations of information and promotion of tourism in the provincial area.

Tourism Promotion Information Center (TIPC) has functions to organize activities on the following areas:
- On tourist information: organizing and developing information technology activities in the field of Culture, Sport and Tourism locally: serving the administration of the Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism as well as the business activities of enterprises.

Collecting receiving tourist information from the industries businesses, locally and abroad; providing information for tourism enterprises to operate around the province of Ben Tre.

As regards the promotion of tourism: Constructing plans, tourist promotion program, organizing, implementing programs to promote tourism, events, fairs, seminars, exhibitions of tourist, information activities on tourism (domestic and abroad) nationally regionally and locally. Developing communication products, introducing tourism promotion, Announcing new tourism products, Surveying tourist destinations (including tourist site, tourist area, tourist routes), International cooperation on tourism promotion, organizing pilot tours for tour operators, introducing tourist attractions, promoting in investment in the tourism sector, tourism promotion with local, regional, domestic and international economic region.

With respect to the training of human resources: Coordinating with other units, tourist training schools to open professional refresher courses for tourist business units in the provincial area.

In addition, the Center also does tourist investment projects, constructing billboards in the provincial area and a number of other projects when being authorized by the Department./.

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